Prague, Czech Republic
We are looking for an experienced full stack developer well versed in Python, TypeScript and React. CitySense SW processes more than 8 petabytes of data, 2 billions NN inferences and total of 7 terabytes of evidence each month. Managing these operations is no joke and we need some help with it. Not speaking about expanding to other EU cities. Are you up for the challenge?
We invite you to collaborate on building CitySense with us. Specifically, we’re looking for someone to handle both back-end and front-end side of things including:
- Designing and implementing new back-end features.
- Designing and implementing new front-end features.
We develop our back-end and API using type-checked Python, leveraging SQLAlchemy and FastAPI libraries. A PostgreSQL database sits behind for the heavy lifting. TypeScript and React 18 with Mantine UI and Tanstack query are the weapons of choice for the front-end. Our development workflow integrates Git and GitHub Actions for CI/CD, and development management. We deploy our software on Linux virutal machines using Docker and CLIs. Monitoring is conducted through Grafana and Prometheus. While we don’t expect you to be familiar with every tool and process mentioned, you should have knowledge of some and be ready to learn the others. We anticipate that you will navigate confidently and independently within our tech stack within a few months. We leave bullshit for others, no vanity meetings or endless stand-ups.
- Challenging job, smart colleagues, laid-back environment
- Full-time Employment / Contract
- Flexibility, partial home office
- 100-200K CZK /month based on your skill level
If you are interested, send us your CV or LinkedIn profile at jobs@iterait.com